In the recent years there has been a global outcry within the automobile manufacturers circles following shortage of electronic microchips required for vehicle manufacturing, this shortage caused increase in delivery lead times for customer orders and disruptions of automakers manufacturing schedules across the globe, this is a pointer to the extent in which computing has entered the core of the automobile OEM sector, then enter the drivetrain with a whole new ecosystem, it is projected that by 2030 nearly all cars coming out of the factories will be fully electric or plug in hybrid, as the vehicles drivetrain technologies incorporate electric motors and batteries, the communication and computing technologies continue to permeate the sector creating an evolution towards smart and intelligent car.
Needless to say, there is global consensus that the cars of the next few decades will possess multiple technologies, the car will be more connected to the owner and to other vehicles as well in what is commonly referred to as vehicle to vehicle (v2v) communication, a combination of technologies collectively called telematics have emerged in a bid to make this possible, infact there is a whole new research frontier dealing with connected cars, it is believed that fifth generation wireless technology-5G, internet of things – IoT and cloud computing will play a significant role in realizing the vision of a truly connected car.
Telematics is one of the most promising technology sector as the world moves towards self-driving and electric cars; therefore, parts of telematics technology have been widely deployed by nearly all the top and best car tracking companies in Kenya with the rest slowly catching up, the primary device on which this telematics solutions are based on is the GPS tracker, the device has the ability to communicate through a wireless telecommunication network to relay information relating to speed, location, time and its state. In the recent times the telecommunication operators have set up fully fledged departments to deal with connectivity for car tracking companies in Kenya and in the region among other IoT solutions for example smart agriculture, environmental monitoring plus many more in the vertical markets space, operators own thinking is that this new emerging market segments have more stringent quality of service(QoS) requirements with regard to connectivity, or call it machine type communication (MTC) as widely referred to in the telecommunications industry.
The benefits of connected cars are immense, first and foremost is the security of the crew and that of the vehicle, GPS tracking having existed for decades in Europe and America made it possible to realize automobile security even in the least developed countries, many a times we have heard of cars stolen in Europe that eventually find their ways to Africa and Asia, infact reports by Interpol shows that the cross border criminal syndicates have been making a kill by stealing high end and expensive luxury cars and selling them to jurisdiction that have no strict crime surveillance, such reports whenever highlighted by media evokes sense of responsibility on the car owners to find solutions that can prevent them from becoming victims of such crimes, The buyer today is concerned with car security, a day hardly passes without hearing someone asking for a list or referrals to the best car tracking companies in Kenya, in most cases driven by the need to have peace of mind, and partly due to persistent marketing by existing players in the sector.
Secondly the convenience around the ability to control the car from the mobile phone is a game changer, it is estimated that by the year 2025 there will be billions of connected devices serving all the sectors of the global economy, in the automotive sector, devices and sensors that control vehicle functions will be connected; therefore, advanced remote controlled features and functions will be made available to the vehicle owners and other interested industry users, various sectors are set to benefit from the promises of a connected car, for example insurance companies bet on telematics as a solution to the challenges of matching risks to premiums when providing insurance covers for motorists, this is what is referred to as usage based insurance, a spot check of top insurance companies in Kenya revealed that they have had an interaction with one or two leading and in most cases the ones rated as the best car tracking companies in Kenya in a bid to form product launch partnerships. In practice telematics devices mine data from the car and through application software it becomes possible to recreate the driving behavior and profile the drivers with respect to risk levels. In addition other advanced features concerning vehicle health can be availed via telematics application, since cars have native support for onboard diagnostics (OBD) that’s enables reading of vehicle sensors and actuators it becomes possible to know if the car has electrical, engine and mechanical problems autonomously thus aiding in insurance decision making.
Financial institutions as well have over the years relied on tracking and tracing services from approved best car tracking companies in Kenya in conjunction with auctioneers to attach assets signed as collateral in the disbursement of loans to their customers, most of the financial institution that are players in this sector touted GPS tracking as the single most important tool they bank on to reduce risks, the fact that they can view the asset at all times and if need be attach the assets for recovery of debt is a confidence boost when lending decisions are being taken.
The role of governments has also been instrumental in the proliferation of telematics service providers, the motivation of government is to enhance compliance with public safety laws and regulation while at the same time seeking to rake in revenue through licensing fees and taxation, worth noting is that the need to support innovation and digital economy are key pillars of any government that seeks to have its youthful population absorbed by the job market to reduce unemployment, the Kenyan industry regulator for example through stringent licensing framework aimed at fostering innovation while at the same time ensuring growth of the telecommunications sector, maintains a register of licensed and best car tracking companies in Kenya thus building confidence in the sector and ensuring that the end consumers are protected from exploitation and from criminal activities.
It is forecasted that the global telematics industry will grow at the rate of twenty one percent annually through to year 2028, thereafter the growth is expected to be exponential, in the interim period telematics industry will bring forth a new ecosystem of devices manufacturers, OEMs, software engineering and telecommunication players. It is against this background that telematics service providers are positioning themselves in the emerging market place in both developed and developing countries to gain traction ahead of the boom and possibly keep competition at bay. One such operator is smart embedded systems who have relied on device agnostic IoT platform to connect arrays of vehicle sensors, fuel monitoring systems and GPS trackers, this has enabled smart embedded systems to win markets within the commercial fleet operators, motorcycles tracking and in the process becoming one of the best car tracking companies in Kenya and the fastest growing in cross border after-market telematics.